Thursday 7 February 2008


Herspace-myspace, this are 4th Sin
Sloth - first called the 'sin of sadness', now described as melancholy: apathy, depression, laziness and joylessness or the failure to utilize one's talents and gifts. Show us Sloth in your space.

This is a picture of how my daughter has left her cupboard this morning before going to work, well she is in for a big shock when she gets home it has to be tried. I don't know what it is about teenages or maybe it is just mine but they just like to live in a tip, she was never like this when she was younger she always woke up early just to make sure her room was tried before she went of to school, well maybe when she is in her twentys it will change. Hahahaha I wish, I hope that she doesn't see this as I will be in trouble. :~(


sharon said...

rofl....sorry..because you are prob gonna have to tidy it up...good luck.x

Sue said...



I threatened Sarah, (13), with this last night BUT she retaliated saying she would post a VERY unflattering photo of me on Myspace & facebook . . . vanity won :-(

Excellent shot . . . well done you :-)


pokettiger said...

WOW! I recall days from my youth when my room would look like that but I have become more and more anal through the years and find living in disarray affects my state of mind. I suppose that explains why I am losing my mind what with having twin toddlers now - ha ha!

Zoe said...

Anything like me and you'll be the one tidying it!

Eleanor said...

Exactly what my daughter (17)does. What I really hate is realising I am washing and ironing stuff she never even wore, just threw around the room twice, then chucked in the wash bin.

Diane Rooney said...

Mine did the exact same thing! *hugs* I sympathise LOL. It does get better - they do emerge as fairly decent human beings eventually ;) x

etteY said...

LOL!! Reminds me of my closet! (º,º)

Debs said...

ooh i have two like this!! one being only 11 and worse than my 19 yr old and i thought that was impossible!! you have my sympathies!! :)